Kouga Yun’s manga, published in 1993. Scanned by me. Title: Saffron Zero Beat (サフラン・ゼロ・ビート) Author: Kouga Yun Language: Japanese (raw).…
shoujo manga
Protected: Crown of Love, Vol. 2-4
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Protected: Crown of Love, volume 1
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The Bride of the Water God by Yoon Mikyung (ch1-12)
Sharing The Bride of the Water God chapters 1-12 in English. One archive: (Entropy scanlation)
Kiga Ichizoku manga by Kouga Yun
Kiga Ichizoku (飢餓一族) is a one volume manga by Kouga Yun. Language: Japanese (raw). Volume: 1 (complete). Description: A writer-wannabee…
Happy Pretty, the end
Yesterday I finished scanning Happy Pretty (a shoujo manga by Kouga Yun) from 32 to 121 page. So, here they…
Happy Pretty by Kouga Yun
I’ve scanned the beginning of Happy Pretty (はぴぷり) by Kouga Yun. I bought the manga just to support the artist,…